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Become a Sponosor today, and let's elevate your company's visibility.

You will take advantage of our comprehensive marketing efforts by securing an email newsletter banner advert featuring your logo and website.

Unleash Your Brand's Potential at Mpaako Afrika Festival!

Gain access to our festivals & Events

Enjoy a wide range of exciting benefits

Our Sponosorship Packages

Are you ready to unlock unparalleled marketing opportunities and establish your brand as a leader in the industry? Look no further! Our sponsorship packages offer a golden opportunity to skyrocket your brand's visibility and make a lasting impact on your target audience.

Event marketing is a great way to advertise and reach customers. “Experiential marketing” drives purchases and consideration across age, gender, and ethnicity. 70% of consumers say that they would be more likely to purchase a product or brand after experiencing it at an event. Mpaako festival is experiential marketing at its best, providing a unique and targeted way to get your message in front of over 20,000 consumers

Platinum package

Become the ultimate star of the show with our Platinum Sponsorship Package! Your brand will be showcased as the pinnacle of excellence, capturing the attention of thousands of eager attendees. With prime placement across various marketing channels, including prominent logo displays, exclusive mentions in press releases, and top-tier social media promotion, your brand will shine brilliantly at every turn. Experience the unrivaled benefits of being a Platinum sponsor and reap the rewards of maximum exposure and industry recognition.

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Gold package

Take center stage and bask in the glow of success with our Gold Sponsorship Package! Garner significant attention and solidify your brand's presence among industry influencers and decision-makers. Enjoy prominent logo placement in event materials, a dedicated section on our website to showcase your brand's story, and targeted email marketing campaigns that will captivate our engaged audience. As a Gold sponsor, you'll experience unparalleled exposure and establish valuable connections that can elevate your brand to new heights.

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Legends Stage Sponsorship Package

Elevate Your Brand to Center Stage!

Be part of the festival's most iconic moments with our exclusive Legends Main Stage Sponsorship. This opportunity allows your brand to take the spotlight and gain maximum exposure on either Stage 2 or Stage 3. Elevate your brand's presence and create lasting impressions among the festival's enthusiastic audience.

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Silver Sponsorship Package

Unleash Your Brand's Potential at the Mpaako Afrika Festival!

Our Silver Sponsorship Package ensures your brand won't go unnoticed! Stand out from the crowd and captivate potential customers with strategically placed logo displays throughout the event venue. Enjoy enhanced visibility through banner advertisements on our website and social media platforms, ensuring your brand remains in the forefront of attendees' minds. As a Silver sponsor, you'll receive recognition for your support and establish valuable connections with industry leaders.

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Bronze Sponsorship Package

Embrace the power of visibility with our Bronze Sponsorship Package! Showcase your brand to a captive audience and unlock numerous marketing opportunities. Benefit from logo inclusion in event brochures and programs, as well as mentions on our website and social media platforms. This package offers an excellent entry point for those seeking to boost their brand's recognition and make valuable connections within the industry.

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Ordinary Sponsorship Package

Showcase Your Brand in Everyday Festival Moments!

As an Ordinary Sponsor, you'll have the opportunity to showcase and sell your products at selected locations, including the Kid Zone, festival routes, and the Ground Zero area. By strategically positioning your brand in these high-traffic areas, you can directly connect with festival-goers, promote your products, and drive sales.

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Kidz Zone Sponsorship Package

Take advantage of the festival souvenir production and sales rights, offering attendees a variety of branded merchandise such as face paintings, bandanas, flags, caps, and water bottles. These popular items will serve as lasting mementos for festival-goers, ensuring that your brand is remembered long after the event.

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Mpaako music festival
" Maximize your brand's visibility with festival route branding, allowing you to strategically showcase your logo and messaging along the designated festival route. Additionally, secure print and outdoor advertising space on festival-approved media platforms, ensuring that your brand captures the attention of a wide audience. "

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